Spiritual Gifts - Are Spiritual Gift for Today? #2

2 years ago

Spiritual Gifts
Are the Spiritual Gifts for Today? #2

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Last week I talked about where Paul said to desire spiritual gifts. (1Cor.12:31, 14:1)
This morning I want to address the question: Are spiritual gifts for today?
As a foundation, What am I talking about when I say, “Gifts of the Spirit?”

Text: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13, 1 Corinthians 12:7-10
Ver.7 Manifestation = exhibition, expression, clear display in light, how He makes Himself known. How He expresses Himself through believers.
The next phrase needs to be emphasized over and over. “… for the profit of all.”
Then Paul lists 9 different manifestations, expressions, functions of His gifts.

If you notice this list can be broken down into three different categories.
Vocal Gifts Revelation Gifts Power Gifts
Tongues Word of Wisdom Faith
Interpretation of Tongues Word of Knowledge Healings
Prophecy Discerning of spirits Miracles

This list is what I am referring to as the “Gifts of Holy Spirit” - Are they for today?
My attempt to answer this question is not going to be an Exhaustive Study, but a general study to answer what I see as the main points.

Doesn’t the Bible say somewhere that prophesy and tongues will stop?
Yes it does – but let’s define question is “When will they cease?
1Co.13:8-13 When will prophecies fail and tongues cease? V.10 When that which is “perfect” is come.

Now we have another question to ask – What is the “Perfect” this verse is talking about?

Some say the perfect was the completion of the sacred cannon – the Bible.
I do agree that the Scriptures are the perfect revelation of God, but the Scriptures are not the “perfect” of which Paul talked about here.

This is talking about when we get to heaven and see Jesus face to face. (v.12)
Jesus is the “Perfect” that will come.

When we get to heaven, there will be no need for tongues – they will cease.
There will be no need for prophecy – it will end.
The language and context of this text is too clear to be interpreted any other way.

Also looking at ver.8, we know that knowledge has not vanished away.
So these Scriptures taken in context rather than teaching the termination of Spiritual gifts, is saying they will continue until the Church is in the presence of Jesus.

As we study the NT, we find again and again, the NT points to the use of the gifts to further the gospel.

That is still needed, not just when the church was being formed or for the Apostles only.

Throughout the whole of the NT, spiritual gifts were used.
And the scripture ALWAYSE speak of them in a positive light in their function.
Even at the church in Corinth where they were abusing the gifts, Paul still highlights the importance and value and function of these gifts at church, and in our personal lives.

Spiritual gifts did not create a problem at Corinth, immature people did.

Personally, (according to Gary) I think the #1 reason people deny the gifts for today has to do with fear.

Typically what we don’t understand, we’re afraid of.
Then if you have seen the gifts abused, it intensifies the fear factor.

Most pastors I know – even Pentecostal ones, fear losing control of a church service and the mess that it could create.

As IF we ever had control – but control is a HUGE ISSUE in the church body today.

I believe NEEDING to be in control shuts down the Holy Spirit’s gifts.

Let’s look at some other supporting scriptures.
Jas 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above…”
Ro 11:29 “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable …”

What are some of the MAJOR function and purpose of the gifts being used?
To edify and build up the local body of believers. – WE NEED THIS TODAY!

1Co.14:4 When I speak in tongues it builds me up.
Jude 1:20 - praying in the Holy Spirit builds up my faith. I NEED THIS!

Jesus told the disciples don’t go into all the world, “until” you receive this Holy Spirit baptism. Acts 1:4-8
The church today NEEDS THIS power to minister.

God knew what the church was going to face, and His answer was to equip His believers with supernatural gifts and power to face the darkness and THRIVE!

Are spiritual gifts for today? ABSOLUTELY!!!

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