FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 29 = Chapter 9, Part F: Back to HIV Again

2 years ago

Pages 278-322

As we have summarized in earlier chapters, the ABYSMAL failure of NIH to find a cure or vaccine for HIV and AIDS has never raised any red flags, although it should. The track record for throwing away taxpayer money and actually inflicting HARM should warrant some type of investigation and people should be held accountable, but they’re not.

Because our federal government is so completely corrupt and out of hand, we recently had a new announcement from Fauci and NIH, BOOK, page 299: “He told his giddy media acolytes that NIH had just committed to a $200 million join initiative with the Gates Foundation to fund the next generation of AIDS vaccines using NIAID’s new mRNA technology.”

I am SURE that this time, they know what they are doing, right?

Shortly thereafter pharmaceutical companies were lining up announcing new mRNA vaccines for Zika, Ebola, cancer, flu and HIV - BOOK, Page 299: “…a new multibillion-dollar government initiative to use taxpayer money and NIAID-patented mRNA technology to prepare distinct new vaccines fo twenty families of viruses that might spark future pandemics.”

Why can NIAID, a taxpayer-funded organization, “hold” patents? And why can people who are paid using taxpayer money then PROFIT from these patents since the American people paid for the research? And why are pharmaceutical companies allowed to profit from this technology if the American people paid for it… shouldn’t the American people be reimbursed for these expenses in the form of free pharmaceutical products?

Good questions!

As we have also mentioned in earlier summaries, which you can find on Rumble at FatesABitch, we have discussed the use of Africa as a place for shoddy experimentation on human life and the disgusting dumping of potentially deadly products that cannot be sold in the United States.

BOOK, Page 300: “Gates’s HIV vaccine and antiviral program is due to its continent-wide scale, arguably the worst in a long parade of paternalistic Western schemes by imperialists, avaricious adventurers, scammers, schemers, charlatans, double-dealing rogues, and well-meaning dolts who regularly pledge to end African suffering.”

Well said!

The U.S. has historically been the largest direct donor to the World Health Organization (WHO) with at one point given $604.2 million. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) along with the Gates-controlled SAGE, UNICEF, and Rotary International, gave nearly $1 billion - this made Gates the largest contributor and of course gave him control.

Because Gates is vaccine-obsessed, this has directed money from the WHO from going to things like poverty alleviation, nutrition, clean water, and sanitation to injecting people full of chemicals. BOOK, Page 301: “Over half of WHO’s total budget now goes to vaccines.”

Geez, it seems like there may be more to human life that injecting one full of toxic crap?

Oh, and as a side note, Bill Gates - keep your f-in pants on!

More in the next installment!

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