Transgender Swimmer’s NCAA Championship Win Met With Backlash

2 years ago

Will Thomas, I'm not calling this fucking poser Lia, who competes for the University of Pennsylvania, won the 500-yard freestyle Thursday, giving him a niche in the record books as the first man to win an NCAA Division I women’s swimming championship.
He won with a time of 4 minutes, 33.24 seconds, almost two seconds ahead of the runner-up, Emma Weyant of Virginia Tech

A teammate of Lia Thomas on the University of Pennsylvania women’s swim team told the The Daily Mail that the locker room she shares with Thomas is “definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women.”

"Pretty much everyone individually has spoken to our coaches about not liking this. Our coach [Mike Schnur] just really likes winning. He’s like most coaches. I think secretly everyone just knows it’s the wrong thing to do," the female Penn swimmer said during a phone interview.

"When the whole team is together, we have to be like, ‘Oh my gosh, go Lia, that’s great, you’re amazing.’ It’s very fake," she added.

If mentally and physically challenged athletes can have their own Olympics.

Do your own fuckin thing and stay out of women's sports!

"I'm a woman, just like anybody else on the team."

No, you're not. You're a fuckin man!
So, if DeeBo from Friday dressed up in a skirt and smacked Nia Long's character, Debbie, shouldn't...Craig's Mom or even his Sister, Regina King's character, Dana fought DeeBo?

Cause, I don't know about you, but Deebo would have beat both of them into a bloody pulp.

But, the men after they are laying on the ground half-dead and fucked up, should just stand aside and let DeeBo walk away Scott-Free?

You see how this doesn't add up? It's the same fuckin shit you're doing to the daughters of men!

These men slaved to put their daughters into the sport they wanted to achieve in, drove them to meets, paid coaches, got up with them at 0400 to be at the pool by 0430.

Stood by them in their highs and lows and now, have to sit in the bleachers as some false woman DeeBos the fuck out of their daughter?

Not only do you NOT RESPECT those women, you don't respect their FAMILY or their FATHER or MOTHER!

You're just a selfish piece of shit. That's what you are.

"Lia" Thomas, I want to know. Before your so-called "transformation" (you people are such fuckin dolts when it comes to that word), you were what? 468th in Men's Swimming?

How was your scholarship looking?
I want to know. Follow the money.

Not getting it done on the MEN'S side of the house, and its reported you took a WHOLE...YEAR...OFF for hormone suppression, yeah?

All you are, man? Is a dude, with a dick, doing what the drag queens do.
You're impersonating a woman.

At least they're square with who they are. At least they know what they want to do. At least they know their station in life in the LGBTQ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,whatever the rest of that shit is, community they're a part of.

But you? You're nothing but a fucking poser who is afraid to fail in your own fuckin sport.

Here's another reality, "Lia", no matter what you think you are? You're not.
Why? You're just a dude with a dick impersonating a woman.

And girls! Why the fuck you aren't steamed about this? DO NOT ACCEPT THIS! FIGHT FUCKING BACK! GODDAMN!

Last question? Where are the fuckin feminists in this country when it comes to this subject? I thought you all hated this type of bullshit?!?!?!?!


GOOGLE (Trans Men should not be allowed to compete in [Insert Sport Here] about article

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