RELEASE Hunter Biden's laptop so the world can see what's REALLY going on in Ukraine

2 years ago

RELEASE Hunter Biden's laptop so the world can see what's REALLY going on in Ukraine

We, The People, are sick & tired of corrupt Washington elites sending our money overseas to fund terrorists who are performing False Flag bombings & chemical weapons attacks on innocent civilians being used as shields & HELD HOSTAGE in said country ( told not to leave / flee ) in an attempt to get US Air strikes without congressional approval to take out whoever [They] want to take out that isnt playing ball

In this case, it would be strikes against Russian soldiers trying to liberate citizens from old, deep seeded infestations of rot in Ukraine

Let the civilians leave Ukraine so Putin can clean house & drop some MF MOABS on the Deep State's heads who refuse to abandon their strongholds to protect Radical Left's evidence of dirty deeds

Fake News is the enemy of the people & they'll stop at NOTHING & at the expense of ANYONE for their puppet masters to stay in power

Govnt is not here to protect us, just line their pockets

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