Beautiful transformation of starving dog rescued from euthanasia

2 years ago

Matilda is a beautiful soul who was one of the saddest cases at a shelter in Texas where the kennels were overflowing with abandoned animals. These were dogs and cats with little hope of ever being loved. Somehow, their owners had given up on them or grown tired of the responsibility. Some were simply turned in at the shelter and left to wonder what they might have done wrong. How a loyal pet could be subjected to this heart break and confusion is difficult to imagine. Yet, it happens hundreds of times each day in all states and provinces in North America.

Matilda was a number. She didn't even have a name. She was a young mother, looking after her 5 pups, and refusing to give up on them the way she had been given up on. The shelter could not provide the health care or medical attention that Matilda deserved, and she was covered in feces, mud, and fleas. She had heartworm and her fur was a mess. Matilda's pups were adopted and they all found forever homes, but Matilda herself was a dog who had no chance of finding love. Looking the way she did, nobody was going to see what a beautiful animal she was.

But Matilda was noticed when Jennifer and Jim arrived at this shelter to pick up JJ to take him to their sanctuary, The Black Dog Farm and Rescue. JJ was a kitten who was in desperate need of a home. He had serious medical issues, and sadly, it was too late by the time JJ was rescued. He took his last breaths a few days after arriving at The Black Dog Farm and Rescue. But when Jennifer and Jim picked up JJ, they fell in love with Matilda and they promised her that she would have a home with them. Having heartworm and looking as rough as she did, Jennifer knew this was Matilda's last chance to live. Black Dog Farm was already over their capacity, but they couldn't leave her to die.

Matilda was loaded into the truck and driven two hours to her new rescue. She was given a bath, some food, medical treatment and love. She responded beautifully and her tail wags constantly.

Looking at Matilda now, her beauty is obvious. A dog like her is dramatically transformed when she has a gentle hand a little love.

No animal should be treated like this. Black Dog Farm and Rescue continues to do the work they do only because of help and support from animal lovers like them. They refuse to give up. Please support their rescue so they can provide food and medical care to mend beautiful souls like Matilda and help them find their forever homes. Follow Black Dog Farm and Rescue (Texas) on Facebook for stories of hope and inspiration.

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