The United States Takes Step Toward Returning To Dark Ages

2 years ago

The United States Takes Step Toward Returning To Dark Ages

March 23, 2022

Moment Of Clarity with Lee Camp

Evidence of the United States, financed military biological program developed in Ukraine has been revealed during Russia's special operation in that country, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.

"In the course of the special military operation, evidence of the Kiev regime's hasty measures to conceal any traces of the military biological program finance by the US Department of Defense in Ukraine has been revealed," he said.

According to the spokesman, information was received from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories that especially hazardous pathogens: plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia and other lethal diseases infecting agents had been urgently destroyed on February 24.

According to Konashenkov, following the beginning of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian health ministry issued an instruction to all biolaboratories to urgently destroy hazardous pathogens they had.

"Obviously, after the launch of the special military operations, Pentagon became afraid that secret biological experiments in Ukraine will be exposed. We will share the results of the analysis of the documents we have received in the near future. Some of them, in particular the Ukrainian health ministry's instruction to destroy pathogens and certificates of completion from the Kharkov and Poltava biolaboratories we are publishing right now" he said.

South Carolina now has the ability to carry out executions by firing squad, the South Carolina Department of Corrections recently announced.

The state's capital punishment facility at the Broad River Correctional Institution in Columbia, South Carolina, has been renovated to include the capacity to perform an execution by a firing squad, the corrections department said in a press release Friday.

State legislation, which became law last May, made the electric chair the state's primary means of execution but gave inmates the option of choosing death by firing squad or lethal injection if those methods are available.

"Protocols have been written, and the department is ready to carry out an order of execution by firing squad if the inmate chooses this method," the press release said.

Previously, scheduled executions were delayed by the South Carolina Supreme Court because a firing squad was not an option for inmates to choose from, according to NPR. Meanwhile, officials in different states have had difficulty obtaining lethal injection drugs.

Utah is the only state to have carried out executions by a firing squad in the modern era, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

The South Carolina Department of Corrections said it spent about $53,600 on supplies and materials to make the changes needed to be able to provide the firing squad as a method of execution.

Members of the firing squad are volunteer corrections department employees who meet certain qualifications, according to the press release.


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