Last Night in Sweden Part 5

2 years ago
296 An article from a swedish alternative media called SocietyNews
Yesterday SCB-Central Bureau of Statistics released full-year figures for the 2021 population statistics. It again shows major demographic changes and proves, in case anyone was mistaken, the consequences of mass immigration. One person who should read that statistic and stop lying at press conferences is the ever-failing minister Morgan Johansson. We can start by noting that almost 90,000 citizenships were handed out in 2021, in other words 90,000 new people who will be allowed to vote in the parliamentary elections and thus influence Sweden's development going forward - whether it be more socialism, more immigration, higher taxes and so on. The year before, 80,175 citizenships were handed out. In 2021, one third of all citizenships were granted to people from Syria. Between 2015 and 2021, a total of 100,761 Syrian citizens were granted Swedish citizenship. Other groups in which the number of new Swedish citizens increased compared to the previous year were citizens of Somalia, Afghanistan and Eritrea. For a "refugee", as many are classified, the requirement is that they only need to be in the country for four years to be granted citizenship. No language tests, work requirements, assimilation. Only four years geographically in the country is enough. It's almost like handing out citizenship with cereal packets.
To put these numbers in perspective, let's look at the 2018 parliamentary elections. Here's how the votes were divided between the two new blocs:
M+SD+KD+L: 3,185,349
S+C+V+MP: 3 192 239
In other words, the difference was only 6,890 votes between these blocks. From January 2018 to August of the same year, i.e. the month before the parliamentary elections, 40,608 citizenships were issued. 29,578 of these were from, in descending order, Syria, Somalia, statelessness, Iraq, Afghanistan. Would the left have won the election if we had not given the right to vote to these countless immigrants from the MEA in the years before the election?
Demographic bomb
If we look at the polls for the 2022 elections, it also looks even. Would it have been even if we didn't hand out 80-90 thousand citizenships every year? Is it reasonable that people, who often don't even know Swedish and certainly haven't embraced Swedish culture, who have been in the country for a mere four years, should get to decide the future of the country and thus of millions of Swedes? Of course not. It is almost a crime against the Swedish people. From SCB: On 31 December 2021, 2,752,572 people, or 26% of the registered population, had a foreign background.
Persons with a foreign background include those who were either born abroad or born in Sweden with two parents born abroad. The majority of those with a foreign background are foreign-born, 2 090 503 people. The remaining 662 069 persons were born in Sweden to parents born abroad. In some municipalities they are already in the majority and in others soon:
If you also include those who have a foreign-born parent but a native-born parent, the proportion with some kind of foreign background rises to almost 35%. This puts municipalities like Botkyrka and Södertälje at almost 70% and Malmö at well over 50%, where Swedes are now a minority. The trend has been the same for a long time. Looking again at the SCB statistics, they report the following:
In 1995, 13.1 per cent of Sweden's population had a "foreign background", which is defined as "those who were either born abroad or born in Sweden with two foreign-born parents".
In 2021, as noted above, it was 26.3%. This is what "foreign background" looks like in 1995-2021 (Note: only a one-year gap between the last two data points):
SCB does not have data in that table for earlier than 1995, but another very good indicator, going back further in time, is the share of foreign-born. This is the trend for 1960-2021 (Note: only one year between the last two data points)
Continued lies
This is the very definition of the "demographic bomb". So the replacement of people is happening at breakneck speed. Parts of the country already have a minority of Swedes and more are on the way. Yet Morgan Johansson (S), who has been a minister in many forms, not least as Minister of Justice and Minister of Immigration, stood at a press conference not long ago and claimed that there is no population exchange going on. Look:
No matter how you twist the statistics, there's no getting away from it: Johansson is lying and Sweden is experiencing a massive population exchange and demographic change that no country in the history of the world has probably ever had. The trend is most likely accelerated by the fact I pointed out above: the difference between a win for the socialists or for the social conservatives was in the 2018 election not even 7,000 votes while they gave out the vote to over 40,000 in the eight months before the election of which almost 70% were from Syria, Somalia, statelessness, Iraq, Afghanistan.
Last year almost 90,000 new voting rights were handed out and this year that trend continues at the same pace. Would the socialists and the mass immigration vultures have even stood a chance without the imported vote cattle? Ultimately, however, it is the Swedes' own fault. They vote and continue to vote for this development. Despite electricity and fuel prices that are insane and basically all the fault of the Socialists, they are now back above 30% in the polls. Despite the crime rate which is still soaring. Despite stunning tax pressures and much more, the Socialists are storming ahead in the polls and Magdalena Andersson enjoys curiously high trust ratings. This probably has to do with the fact that all the focus in the last two years has been on the Corona hysteria and now all the attention is on Ukraine, which is certainly interesting for Sweden too, but hardly the most central for the Swedish people and their well-being. But the point remains, as the new SCB statistics once again confirm: the Swedish people are losing their own country. It is one thing to lose it in a war that you sometimes have no power to stop, but the sad thing about the Swedish people is that they are losing their country by giving it away voluntarily.

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