Confirmation Pre Constantine Be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit V

2 years ago

VIII. Some Confusions

- Some people today still look on Confirmation as the sacrament of maturity. But this sacrament does not imply that the candidate is completely mature in the faith. Nor does the signing with chrism instantaneously produce maturity in the candidate. Conversion to Christ is a gradual process to which Confirmation gives added strength. Through it the confirmed person is strengthened for this lifelong journey.
Sacraments are God’s gift to us, freely given, not earned. God gives us the gift, we chose how to respond.
- Confirmation as integrally related to Baptism and Eucharist. Together these sacraments constitute a process by which the Spirit brings the believer to full union with the community. Confirmation does not complete Baptism in the sense that Baptism left something incomplete. Rather, the two sacraments are united in the initiation process.

The benefit of the individual is the study, the true meaning, more prepared for it. Once bishop made cross with chrism and sealed with the Holy spirit the Sacrament is given.

The gifts and fruits of the Holy spirit are freely given and up to us if we make use of them or not. Gifts perfectly given.

- Confirmation is also associated with the Eucharist, where the People of God unite to celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ. When Confirmation preceded First Holy Communion, it was easily seen as a preparation to full celebration with the community. Then in 1910, when Pope Pius X made it possible for seven-year-old children to receive Communion, Confirmation became the last Sacrament of Initiation to be celebrated. Now Confirmation’s role of leading to the Eucharist must be emphasized in ways other than chronological. The church accomplishes this through catechesis, the words of the rite, and celebrating Confirmation within Mass.

Assist from standpoint people outside watching. A more organic ordering, clarifies Sacrament of initiation and not one of completion.

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