Pause for the Cause - The Fix for Capitalism

2 years ago

I released a premature and unfinished announcement (without God) on my birthday that I forced out, because I allowed my anger with a situation to get the better of me, and I apologize to everyone for allowing that to happen, I’m only human… I’d like to share this information with everyone.

I have always had a calling on my life to help make the world a better place. There is a lot of fighting going on that we need to stop. We have Muslims, Jews and Christians that are fighting amongst each other when we should be working together, as messengers of the Almighty, no matter what name we use. We must have peace so our world can heal. Jesus gave his life so that we could know the love of God and to allow him into our hearts. That is the catalyst needed to make it to heaven.

I know that I am supposed to share this with you at this time.

As my parents stood over my older brother in his crib, before I was conceived, God told them both they would have another son and his name is Benjamin Joseph. He is named Benjamin as the right-hand son and Joseph after the son of Jacob and Rachel and that he will be a prophet. Two years later I was born.

I didn't have the easiest childhood, I broke out with psoriasis in the hospital the day after I was born and I have lived with it my entire life. When I was young I was bullied because of my skin, not because of the color, but because of the sores and cracks. This caused a lot of stress for, not just me but also, my whole family. My parents had to tolerate stares and snide comments long before I was old enough to realize that I was different or what was going on. They say “Kids can be cruel” but, as a child, it hurt a lot worse when it came from an adult.

I wanted to be a professional football player, but at the age of 12, I started suffering from arthritis and was unable to keep playing after the 8th grade.

My mother told me about the prophecy when I was 13 and it caused me to lash out and I became very angry to even consider this could be true… I did not want to be told what to do… I asked him "Why would I help you when you've given me this disease?" He said I would eventually understand… I started doing drugs and other destructive behavior out of rebellion…

This extreme behavior went on for a few years until one day when I broke down and cried and begged for him to choose someone else and that I wasn’t strong enough to handle his task. He told me that I didn’t need to worry about it and that I could do whatever I wanted until he called me to action. He said to just trust in him and have faith that everything will happen exactly as it should. I haven’t told many people about the prophecy because of the judgment that I knew would be placed.

All of us have things that make us different and we all face our own adversities, some of ours are even on display for the world to see. We should not be ashamed of our differences, we should embrace them.

This needs to be understood. Individualism is important to the collective because if we have a society that values its people, then the people will want to take care of that society. We have over 6 billion unique and beautiful people on this planet and while it is important to maintain harmony for everyone, we need to allow people to be themselves. This is why it was a very important part of the “founding fathers’” plans for the USA.

An important part of society is also the ability to strive to provide a better life for the people you love. Capitalism in theory is the answer for this, however the current system in the USA is broken and needs to be repaired.

The reason that Capitalism is broken, is because there are no real checks and balances for the economic disparity that it creates. Corporations are exponentially growing into monopolies and consuming any potential competition.

God told me years ago that the final piece to the puzzle was to find a way to remove the “Minimum Wage” and replace it with a “Maximum Wage”. I was able to receive an understanding of how to apply it just before my 40th birthday, while dealing with an extremely stressful work environment where our individual rights were being trampled upon by an immoral corporate overreach.

A big problem is that we’ve given too much control to corporations and they have decided to play God… “We The People” need to take back some of that control, for the sake of our future generations. I saw, when I was 15, that the underlying problem we face as a society is the economic disparity. The economic disparity is the true cause for the unrest that we have seen growing recently. Corporations have destroyed the US tax code with lobbying efforts to provide themselves with tax cuts and deductions. The media portrays “race” as the driving force behind our problems, however, the true villain is GREED.

Corporate greed has become the norm… Why? Capitalism depends on people’s desire to innovate and create, to better their own lives for financial gains. I love capitalism, but when left unchecked in a broken system, coupled with other “greedy” policies, you end up exactly where we are today.

I need to put something in perspective. I have been working for a corporation for almost 15 years, with over a decade resolving C-Level executive escalations, and as I leave I make $25.25/hour or $52,520/year. While our CEO made $54,914,015 in total compensation for 2020… That's over 1000x more… Which means he averaged more money everyday ($150,449.35) than most of the other employees make over a 2 - 5 year timespan. His total compensation when broken down hourly, using every hour in the year is $6,268.72/hr. If we assume that he is only working 75% of the time (every day) and gets paid for 18 hours a day, then that amount becomes $8,358.29/hr. However, if we use a 40hr work week to break it down, it comes out to $26,400.96/hr…

The people who are born into money can’t understand what it’s like to be born poor. Just like most people born poor can’t fathom the responsibility that comes along with that money. This is because of the size of the gap that exists, we have to close the gap and make sure that people are compensated fairly and that all of the "wealth'' does not end up concentrated with a small percentage of individuals.

Imagine a society where Walmart decides that they would rather enable small business owners instead of putting them out of business… They could easily change their business model to solely distribution and we could have thousands of locally owned stores “powered by Walmart” and their massive distribution network. There are other examples of this type of structure already working with SAAS (Software as a service) type solutions for online retail.

This plan will require corporations to adapt and adjust if they want to stay relevant. Instead of just consuming everything that challenges them…

This is meant as a message of hope for those who choose to receive it and a warning for those who do not… If we do not change our current path, then we are certainly headed for a very rough time ahead. We deserve to find peace for the whole world.

I would like to invite you to read the plan at

Thank you,
Benjamin Joseph Branham


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