Harbor's 14th Birthday Celebration! | Intentional Birthdays

2 years ago

Our birthday celebrations usually include the following over about a week:

Going out to eat as a family (many of our kids have a favorite spot that we go to every year)

Doing a craft or activity of some sort together

Opening gifts

Cake (or some other dessert) and candles

A hike that is special in some way

If you want to be more intentional about how you do birthdays in your family, check out our video over on the Rooted & Fruitful channel:

How to Do Kids Birthdays in a Way that Builds Gratitude, Not Entitlement


And now back to Harbor's 14th birthday…

Our tradition for her birthday HAS been to go to the Denver Aquarium each year… but they have either been closed or requiring masks the last few years, so we have come up with alternatives.

This year, we decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory instead.

We had a little bit of time before dinner, so we took the kids for a walk around the mall…
something that doesn't happen often in our family (like maybe every 4-5 years).

We did take a special hike for Harbor's birthday as well. It is not included in this video, but can be found here: https://youtu.be/VloUt9CQIMA

We also try to do a craft or activity of some sort for birthdays. For Harbor's birthday, we made homemade birdfeeders (inspired by Tara over at https://littlepinelearners.com)

We then took a walk on the trail behind our house and put the feeders in the trees along the trail. (it was a lot of fun to check on these over the next few weeks and watch them all get eaten!)

We ended the day with gifts and cake!

We used to do big fancy homemade cakes for all the birthdays, but this is something that is happening less often lately. Between our focus of eating more clean, real food, coupled with the desire to put forth time and energy to things that matter most… it's just not always as important. ❤️


💙The Comstock Clan

We share ways that we are learning to follow God, live intentionally, and do life together in order to build a culture of faith, family, fun, and freedom.

Along with Christy’s parents who live with us, we have 7 kids ages 13 and under, we homeschool, do our best to live a healthy lifestyle, and we love the outdoors, adventure, and learning new things.

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0:00 Happy Birthday Harbor!

1:46 Park Meadows Mall

5:26 Cheesecake Factory

8:10 Homemade Cardboard Birdfeeders

9:43 Putting Birdfeeders Out On the Trail

11:53 Gifts!

20:19 Cake + Candles


Check out our video about being more intentional about doing birthdays over on the Rooted & Fruitful channel:

How to Do Kids Birthdays in a Way that Builds Gratitude, Not Entitlement


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