2 years ago

We WILL NOT STOP until we have real election reform!

We know everyone is focused on the media chaos — but some of us have not forgotten about the stolen election of 2020!

This is Daniel McCarthy and he ran for United States Senate in 2020 in the Republican Primary.

Daniel McCarthy's election was stolen from the people of Arizona — the same way Trump’s election was stolen from the American people.

We know fraud occurred on the night of McCarthy's election, so pissed off grassroots activists in Arizona went to work to try to stop what was coming.

The Patriot Party of Arizona PAC was formed so We The People could go to work and fight the fraud, since the Republican Party could not be trusted to do the right thing.

Unless we can get this bill passed, Arizona voters will be voting on the same system (machines & mail-in ballots) as they did in the 2020 election.

We know how they are committing election fraud.

We had whistleblowers who confirmed that they ran the same program against McCarthy's election as they pulled on Trump in November.

Basically, they test drove their fraud scheme to make sure their plan would work in the general election in November.


The machines connected to the internet can be hacked and programmed to spit out a predetermined result on Election Day. The cabal chooses who they want to win and they program that result. Then they use the 30-Day window for mail-in ballots, then they filter through the ballots to match the predetermined results. They only check a small percentage of ballots – they do not count every ballot.

They make the small percentage of the ballots they do count match the machine results they have pre-programmed.

Get it? Sadly, many Republican representatives do not.

It has been 18 months, and the Patriot Party has done more for real election reform than the Republican Party.

We wrote the most comprehensive election reform bill in the country — One Day, One Vote, On Paper, In Person, No Machines, No Mail-In Ballots!

Our bill allows for legitimate absentee voting and also protects voters & poll workers from being forced to take a jab or wear a mask.

No Republicans have proposed legislation to get rid of the machines or mail-in ballots. Infuriating!

But this bill gets it done. It’s been a long uphill battle to get this bill to this stage but last week we had a breakthrough.

HB2289 passed the Senate Committee hearing, meaning now it will go to the Senate floor for a vote in the next few weeks.

So now the real work begins and WE NEED YOUR HELP!!

The Patriot Party of Arizona needs you to pull out your wallet and donate to this bill to help us fight the resistance coming from the democrats & RINOs alike.

We need your help. We can’t do it alone.

With your help we CAN pass this Bill.

Election Reform is THE MOST IMPORTANT cause today.

This is more important than donating to a candidate — because without real elections the cabal will continue to select our elections for us.
And without elections, freedom is dead.
Stop what you’re doing & donate right now.

Go to

and please donate to help us get this done!

Please help us stop the RINOs from ruining another election. Every dollar helps us put pressure on the RINOs & democrats so we can make sure our politicians know they represent US and that We The People want REAL ELECTION REFORM!

Go to and donate what you can to help us pass this bill!


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