186 An Evil Generation (Luke 11:29-32) 1 of 2

2 years ago

Current Events Update: The pseudo-Vaccine experimental gene therapy shot distributed by Pfizer, Maderna, Johnson & Johnson, Astra Zeneca, etc., are a massive profit-making project using the human population as a herd and each individual as a cash cow while setting up the system for the Beast and his mark. Meanwhile, Christianity is divided between churches in apostasy and churches under persecution.

In our study, Jesus opens by stating "this is an evil generation". We will discuss the fact that REAL preachers preach what God says while most of the modern preachers refuse to do so. We mention Joel Osteen but then go on to discuss the transcript of an interview of the deceased Crystal Cathedral "minister" Robert Schuller as an example of a false teacher.

The last half of our study is about the Judgment. Jesus reveals that the Great White Throne will be an amazingly interesting, interactive Judgment.


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