Clay County Cop Alan Reese Accused Of Wanting Sexy Pics From 14 Year Old Girl - Earning The Hate

2 years ago

I discuss reading this cop's body language, consciousness of guilt behavior and his lack of denying allegations. Cop Is working as SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER AROUND KIDS. So much wrong with this story and NO ARREST OR UPDATE?

Man Confronts School Cop for Texting ’14yo Niece, Asking for Sexy Pics’

VIEWER COMMENTED ON UDATE: The "Uncle" in the video, had previously contacted dudes department & waited, but nothing happened & they never got back to him. So he made the confrontation video and after this video started getting seen, the guys department did an internal review and found that since there was no 14yo girl, and the officer was actually texting an adult (the 'Uncle'/Wait's List/catch a predator type guy that confronted him), that it was deemed as, "highly inappropriate", but not criminal. The officer Resigned.

Clay County, FL — While most parents of school children in the United States will take comfort in knowing a police officer is at their child’s school, all too often, school cops are caught committing the vilest of offenses against these children. Readers of the Free Thought Project know that the problem is rampant. As the following example illustrates, school cops have no problem engaging and essentially grooming children for future sexual abuse.

The cop in the video below will likely think twice before grooming children from the school at which he works after a man claiming to be the uncle of a child this cop was texting, confronted the cop and called him out for it.

The video was posted online Tuesday as a Facebook Live video recorded by Nathan Waits, president of ‘Waits List.’

According to the website, Waits List is “a group of professionally trained individuals located out of Jacksonville, FL. Our goal is to hunt down your local Sex Traffickers, Child Predators, and Pedophiles from all around our great country. All the information we gather is turned over to that subjects local authorities or the FBI. We are here to keep our children safe and all parents aware!”

Waits List is an organization like we have reported on before, with members who pretend to be children to catch child predators. It turns out that the predator they caught this time happened to be a cop at an elementary school, identified at the end of the video as “Alan Reese.”

“We don’t get alerted to anybody, they come to us. They find our profiles, they friend request us, they follow us. And then they initiate the chats,” said Waits.

When Waits confronts the cop, he tells him it is his niece who he’s been texting.

“You know my 14-year-old niece,” Waits tells the cop. “You know, the one you want sexy bikini pictures from? The one you wanna wrestle and meet at her parents’ house when her mother is not home?” Waits says.

“I’ve got her phone right here,” Waits tells the officer in the video. “So, what are we going to do about this? You’re a L.E.O. Are you kidding me? Do you not think that’s inappropriate?”

“You’re a disgrace to LEO!” Waits says. “I back the blue, I work with law enforcement constantly. You’re a disgrace. You should take that badge off, ‘1042’, take your belt off and take your ass home.”

What makes this case so disturbing is the fact that Waits claims his organization shared messages from the officer with a Clay County Sheriff’s Office detective in October, but never heard back.

After police failed to act, Waits decided to confront the alleged pedophile cop on his own. The video below is the result of that confrontation.

Only after the video began to garner views online did police respond. The Clay County School District Police Department, and the Clay County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO), told Action News Jax they’re now investigating the allegations.

“The Clay County District Schools Police Department is aware of the allegations made on social media posted by a citizen on December 8, 2020. The Clay County District Schools Police Department Officer referenced in the post has been placed on administrative leave indefinitely pending the results of an internal investigation by the Clay County District Schools Police Department and an outside investigation by the Clay County Sheriff’s Office,” said Nicole Young, Clay County School District spokesperson.

“The Clay County Sheriff’s Office is aware of the allegations made on a social media post by a citizen on December 8, 2020. The CCSO is working with the Clay County District Schools Police Department and is investigating the allegations,” said CCSO.

What would have happened if Waits wouldn’t have confronted the officer and made this video? It doesn’t appear that the sheriff’s office was concerned at all about it, especially since this cop was still on the job at a school full of children. Luckily there are people out there like Waits. While cops are off kicking in doors to arrest people for possessing a plant, Waits is out there catching child predators.

Thank you for your service Mr. Waits.

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