Great Reset Digital Currency Just Replaced Fiat Cash Globally. USA is Next as US Dollar Dies

2 years ago

Great Reset Digital Currency Just Replaced Fiat Cash Globally

USA is Next, Just in Time for Collapse of US Dollar

Technocracy News: Most Important Report of 2022

Sanctions on Russia are killing the West, not Russia. Why? Because the war is not about Russia, but rather killing capitalism and Free Enterprise, which is a requirement for the Great Reset, aka Technocracy, to take over the world. Soaring oil prices, energy and food crises on the horizon…is it possible the REAL target of this economic war is us?

And Just Like That, All The Fiat Currencies Simply Vanished

Americans Sleep As Global Monetary System Being Reset

America and the World Has Just Passed the Brink into the Great Reset.

Central Bank Digital Currency IS Fiat Fake Money with a Social Credit Score Dictatorships Control Over Every Purchase

The MSM is Silent about Biden's Executive Order on Digital Currency.
You Can Be Certain America is Next...


This is the most important story you will read in the decade of the 20s. This global insider lets the cat out of the bag: “We are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one.” ⁃ TN Editor

And Just Like That, All The Fiat Currencies Simply Vanished
Americans Sleep As Global Monetary System Being Reset

The 2022 World Government Summit is underway this week in Abu Dhabi and we’ve already got a bombshell to report.

As I have said for several years now, obsessing over the dollar losing reserve status is a waste of time; that all fiat currencies will be ripped out of existence at the same time; that Technocrats will institute a centralized, all-knowing digital currency to control everything. Nobody believed me then, but will you now?

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