Why I was SERIOUSLY wrong about iCracked: Louis eats crow over stupid criticisms & wrong predictions

5 years ago

Let's get Right to Repair passed! https://gofund.me/1cba2545
We repair Macbook logic boards: https://rossmanngroup.com/macbook-logic-board-repair
TL;DR: We started our companies at around the same time: iCracked in 2010, mine in the end of 2008. I thought it was not a great or profitable business model, and I thought it did not provide a good deal for the technicians working under their gig-economy system.

Ten years later, I fix boards with bags under my eyes until 3 AM to pay rent on a hole in the wall dump, and cannot even get a business loan that matches 1 month of payroll. iCracked ran their business in a manner where they were able to receive large investment at each growth stage, was purchased by AllState, and the owner can retire for the rest of his life, as a multi-millionaire.

He has created something that commanded high monetary value. My company is one that would not be worth much on the independent market, that after ten years in business Chase wouldn't trust to hold their beer(much less money). I have created a company that after ten years, I cannot sell for more than the cost of Jessa's home gym. It is time to eat my crow.

It does not take a genius to realize that my predictions, thoughts, and criticisms, were idiotic. Ridiculous. WRONG.

And since I have a large audience at this point and realize a lot of you are listening, you should know what blinded me, and what caused me to be wrong.

It is important to eat your crow when you are this far off the mark. I will explain the poisonous thought process that I was likely going through, and explain how it kept me from bettering myself. I will also link to really dumb videos I had done in the past that had gone into the ether below, for your amusement, if you want to watch me make a fool of myself.

First dumb video I did on iCracked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyV58fm2RV8

Second dumb video I did on iCracked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D60htAcgfj8

Third dumb video I did on iCracked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2BCTfhUbtY

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