Twilight Zone: Joe is Like Animatronic Robot Trying to Save Kamala, Blowup VP Doll

2 years ago

In the history of Twilight Zone, has any episode been scarier, or more compelling than, After Hours, the story about the dept store mannequins who come to life? So influential, musician Alan Parson did a video version called Prime Time. Well, who would have guessed the Democrat Party, knowing America’s obsession with entertainment, decided to grace DC with not one, but two un-human faux politicians in honor of mindless and hopelessly inept political mannequins the world over?!!

Of course, Democrats have no standard for quality in their leaders, except ability to be elected. After all, it was just a year ago that the Hunt for Trump was in full flight. After a fraught forum of Dem elders was gathered, it was decided who the best choice to win would be. Yep. Joe Biden. A mentally defunct East Coast octogenarian who chose to basement-surf for the entire campaign, and a CA bimbo who couldn’t read a fortune cookie slip without screwing up, turned out to be a winning hand. As well as a complete cover-up of son Hunter and his overseas fundraising.

Yet, ironically – this was the best choice for Dems to “remake” America, because Dem leadership is always by top-down consensus and that failure was no bar to success, but actually the very purpose of their party. And by failure in every possible undertaking, the Dem’s vaunted Utopia seems imminent to them. And now that Biden will suspend Title 42 on April 23rd, another 6-9 million illegals will cross this year, or perhaps 30,000 daily, being just decorative effluent on Joe's cake of incompetence.

So how is Joe like a defunct animatronic robot? First, he has no remaining native ability to think or speak spontaneously. Second, Joe must completely depend upon helpers to draft messages. And third, if anything goes wrong with Joe's programming or computer, while speaking graceless comments out of turn, everything comes undone rather quickly – like telling Vlad Putin to pack his bags.

Now, consider how Disney Orlando boasts of its animatronic, lifelike politicians that execute astounding acts of speechifying, such as swift rendering of the Gettysburg Address, by a scrofula faced Abe Lincoln mannequin. So Joe, in his garrulous, yet whispered, and shaky recitations of teleprompter speeches – sometimes accompanied by a spark and puff of smoke, is like a refurbished robot loaded with outdated apps, highly defective code, wiring shorts and a scary prop body with hyena hair, the latter being scarily accurate. Some folks already believe Joe is a bot or dead.

Now, Kamala Harris is herself a downgrade from this already crippled version of robot. A leaky windbag of a blowup doll, with an overabundance of red lipstick smeared across her plastic face, framing a blank stare. This isn't just a realistic Kamala portrayal, but an accurate explanation for how Joe chases this gusty windbag across America, trying to refill her with more blustery Marxist homilies.

Now, if Joe were seen as a dated, absent-minded robot completely distracted by confused blowup doll Kamala, with her entirely fact-free noggin, this would be apropos. In fact, as Kamala apparently refuses to study any prep books before events, angry at her staff for imposing, then we get a sense of her fact-free statements delivered with sincere condescension. Kam's incapable of spontaneous wit, or unscripted insights, or even pleasing small-talk. Cursed with lazy, silly, hideously ill-timed sentiments.

And yet, like Dorothy & the Wood Man skipping off to see the Wizard, tripping down the road, we wish Joe the very best in tracking down his leaky Blowup VP long as their future does not include any more government service. But both must prepare to embrace Donald as the Wizard, returning to start healing crazy Dem disasters & willful sins created by Joe & Kam's Far Left Admin.

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