2 years ago


1. There are four species of giraffes
Until 2016, scientists believed there was one species of giraffe and nine subspecies. However, a genetic investigation that took five years proved that there are four species: G. reticulata, G. tippelskirchi, G. camelopardalis and G. giraffa.

2. Males darken over time
The spots on the male's coat get darker as they mature. Researchers have been compiling data on this for more than 30 years and are now able to estimate the age of the animals. They believe this process has to do with testosterone levels.

3. They have a mysterious skin condition
In 2014, biologist Arthur Muneza had to choose an animal to study for his master's degree at Michigan State University. He chose giraffes when he discovered they have a skin condition that is still poorly understood. Greyish, bloody and crusted lesions are the main symptoms.

4. They "house" birds
The Buphagus africanus is a bird that accompanies the large African mammals. It eliminates ticks from its hosts and feeds on blood, eye goo and nasal mucus. In addition, he likes to sleep in the giraffe's armpits, which are warm and safe.

5. They buzz at night
Giraffes live in groups. Therefore, scientists believe they have some form of communication other than just kicking and snorting. In 2015, they discovered that they buzz at night. However, they still don't know if the sound is for them to connect in the dark or has to do with sleep.

6. They like carcasses
Despite their friendly demeanor, giraffes make the most of dead animal carcasses. In fact, it is not uncommon to find them throwing bodies in the air! This behavior probably has to do with the fact that they need to gnaw bones to get calcium and phosphorus.

7. They can go extinct
Currently, estimates point out that there are only 90,000 wild giraffes. This is a 40% drop compared to the numbers collected in the last 15 years. The reasons for this are habitat loss and illegal hunting. Even so, the official conservation status is only “vulnerable”, not “endangered”.

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