



WARN (We Are Real News) 2024 is to educate, inspire, and motivate the average American who doesn't know how to get involved in politics but is upset with where our country is headed. If you are sitting on your couch wondering what you can do to help turn this mess around, just listen to some of the interviews with everyday Americans who have gotten involved and reveal what they're doing about it. These stories are AMAZING and are sure to lift you out of your "norm" and into the battle to win our country back. These activists were once sitting right where you are and have become hometown heroes in a short period of time because they know we have a limited time to act. Watch, FOLLOW, and SHARE these stories so you can one day say to your grandchildren, "when we were at the brink of losing our freedoms, I did SOMETHING." You CAN do it and these interviews will inspire us all!

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Joined Dec 13, 2023

5,894 total views

61 videos