Why do I feel BAD for feeling GOOD [The CORE cause Explained]

2 years ago

WHY DO I FEEL BAD FOR FEELING GOOD [THE CORE CAUSE EXPLAINED] // In this video I will share some insight a recent client had as part of our breakthrough session and connections she made. Those inner lightbulb, aha moments. Those are key when it comes to truly understanding why you feel bad for feeling good and wondering how to stop feeling bad for “no reason” (there’s always a reason – its just unconscious) so your conscious reasoning doesn’t make sense. Do you have a good life but feel bad all the time? Are you wondering “why do I feel guilty for doing nothing” or why do I ‘feel bad for feeling good’? Ready to stop feeling so sorry for yourself and just “BE” happy and just feel good? Tired of the downs when you’ve got all the ups and thinking “how can I be depressed when my life is great?” well there’s a deeper connection and explanation that you just haven’t explored yet and can’t on your own because your unconscious mind won’t let you go there alone. Ready for healing so you can feel good about feeling good? Visit www.re-write-your-life.com

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