Kata Bunkai: Pinan Two. Applications, breakdown, Kaisai

3 years ago

Pinan Two has some amazing applications if you break it down and use the principle of Block, Lock, Blow, Flow. Today, we'll have a good look at this great kata and see what we can find. Remember, YOU have to be creative based on sound principles of movement.

Some of the topics covered include:
Mawashi Uke as a warm-up drill.
The elbow connection in uke-waza (blocks). Kihon training is to create biomechanical and neurological pathways.
What are the most common techniques in all kata?
Why different angles in kata?
The fundamental improvement flow from kihon - ido-kihon - kata - bunkai - kaisai - oyo - kumite.
The qualities developed through tournament fighting.
GRAB a stretch. What does that acronym mean? and what about VANCO?
Connection between lower limb injury and using jigsaw mats.
Technical improvement comes through your own personal experience and research.
The push/pull principle.
Shuto Mawashi Uke: Sosai always emphasised LARGE circles to cover the neck area.
The connection between all the blocks. They start is the same place.
Stomp turn drill
Why Kihon uses such large motions.
The 30 basics of Kyokushin work the body in 30 different ways for a complete workout.
Keeping the head still in Kihon: Dominant Head Position.
Different blocks connect primarily with different parts of the body.
Kyokushin's three primary signature movements are closely connected and show why Kyokushin is NOT a hard style of karate, it is a SOFT style that trains hard and fights hard.

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