Leftist Domestic Terror Group shoots Cop in their 'autonomous zone', Media calls them protesters

1 year ago

Militant outside Atlanta autonomous zone shot dead after shooting state trooper
Georgia Department of Public Safety Colonel Chris Wright said that protestors fired a shot and hit an officer, to which officers fired back. The suspect was killed. The officer is in stable condition.

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Domestic terrorism charges for five arrested at violent Antifa autonomous zone near Atlanta

Man killed, trooper shot while protesters cleared (Associated Press)

A violent leftist group shoots an Atlanta Trooper and the media calls them protesters.

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Seven charged with domestic terrorism following deadly shooting at Atlanta autonomous zone

Clockwise: Sarah Wasilewski, Matthew Ernest Macar, Teresa Yue Shen, Spencer Bernard Liberto, Christopher Reynolds, Geoffrey D. Parson and Timothy A. Murphy are facing charges of domestic terrorism and aggravated assault upon an officer.

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