How To Keep Ticks Out Of Your Yard Naturally

8 years ago

Ticks carry lymes disease, which is a debilitating disease. Many parts of North America are loaded with ticks. I have learned how to prevent ticks from being in your yard. Here is how...

I have a 50 x 50 foot garden surrounded by chickens on two sides. The chickens are not allowed to enter the garden. But they are allowed to freely run around the outside edges.

Ticks can sense where you have last walked and things you have last touched. They wait there for you to pass by again. They are very patient. I find ticks on my water bucket, feed bin, hand tools and anything else I touch on a daily basis. When you pick up or handle these items again the tick grabs onto your hands and quickly starts to crawl up your arm. They wait in tall grasses for you to pass by and hitch a ride on your pant legs.

If you do not catch the ticks then they will slowly crawl around you looking for a nice, dark and safe place to bite. Usually at the hair line or under your clothes somewhere.

Chickens eat just about anything that moves which is small enough for them to gobble up. Since ticks are attracted to animals, they are drawn to the chickens. The ticks go for the chickens, which happily eat them up. Even if a tick manages to get on a chicken, another chicken would eat it quickly. Chickens hang out together in groups so the chances of a tick remaining unnoticed is very low. I highly doubt that a chicken would have a tick on it for long. Also chickens preen themselves and would eat a tick if seen.

This works out very nicely for me. Ticks are drawn to chickens. Chickens eat ticks.

My little garden space is a tick free zone. I have never had a tick in my garden. I can safely put my cat in the garden without fear of getting a tick.

The only problem with chickens in the woods is that predators want to eat my chickens.

So I have an electric fence around the chicken range to keep predators out. This has worked so far for two years. I have not lost a single bird inside the protected area when the fence was functioning properly.

I am expanding this range now to encircle my entire meadow. I will make a 2.5 acre tick free zone.

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