More Free Tiny House Construction Materials A Huge Haul

9 years ago

I got two truck loads of free building materials for my tiny house on wheels. Soon the snow will be off the ground and construction on the tiny home will continue where I left off.

I was on the way home the other day with a food grade 55 gallon barrel I got off craigslist. I picked this barrel up to cut in half and use for my maple syrup evaporator. I will use the food grade drum as the maple sap container and have a fire pit underneath it. This should boil off the water from the sap quite well.

On the way home I stopped off at a cement block manufacturing facility that gives away free damaged or slightly imperfect cement blocks. You can take as many as you like for free.

I did some math and found that a standard cement block weighs 28 pounds and the larger ones, which were still wet, weigh about 50 pounds each.

I figured I got about 2,000 pounds of cement blocks in my truck and that was about all I wanted to take on the highway.

On the way home from there I saw that the small engine shop in town near my home had some more free wood pallets out on the side of the road.

So I hurried back to the off grid homestead and unloaded the cement blocks quickly.

I returned to town in a hurry. These pallets are first come, first served and they go fast. I loaded up a full truck load of wood pallets that I will use for siding on my tiny house. The wood slats from the pallets will be used for my tiny home siding. These will give it a very nice look I think.

Now I cant wait for better weather so I can get to work again on the tiny house.

I need to get the siding on the front of the tiny home asap so that I can start building my greenhouse and porch.

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