John Wick 4 WRECKS Box Office | Non Spoiler Reaction & Review

1 year ago

John Wick 4 WRECKS The Box Office | Non Spoiler REACTION & Review JOHN WICK CHAPTER 4 set for HUGE Box Office Opening Weekend

John Wick Box Office set for a nearly $80 MILLION opening weekend in the domestic market and almost $120M Globally.


I must begin by confessing that I have lied…or at least made a grave error. I recently told my YouTube audience that Tom Cruise is the last real action hero in Hollywood. Well… he isn’t. At least he’s not the ONLY one. Enter Keanu Reeves, Stage Right.

If you’ve enjoyed the previous John Wick entries, then drop your Glock, Heckler & Koch, Benelli, or Sig Sauer and race to your nearest PLF (Premium Large Format) theater, preferably in a slate grey 1969 Mustang Boss 429, and strap into that luxury recliner for nearly THREE HOURS of pure mind bending carnage incarnate. HO-LEE SH*T…

Normally when I’m greeted with a runtime like this on a film (one NOT NAMED Lord Of The Rings) I utter a reflexive “…ugh” but that wasn’t the case with John Wick Chapter 4…AT ALL

When the 2 hour 40 min spec was revealed, both Nate (Mr H Reviews - YouTube) and I became incredibly excited at the prospect as huge Wick fans. We both instantly KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that the enormous runtime would be absolutely wall-to-flipping-wall JAMMED with jaw dropping stunts and engrossing story. And well… we were 100% dead on right.

The runtime is almost unnoticeable. The story moves like a 9mm round fired at 1500 feet per second from the muzzle of John Wick’s $7000 TTI Pit Viper. (Try to avoid drooling when you see it on camera swiss-cheesing High Table emissaries). The entire film is eye candy. The sets are stunning, the lighting & cinematography is everything I’ve come to expect from the Wick franchise and then elevated even further for this latest entry. The sound design is once again outstanding. The engineers are left with zero superfluous dialogue and can thereby focus on making hundreds (if not thousands) of gunshots each have their own space to REALLY work those premium theatrical sound systems. The gravity of each shotgun blast is allowed to pump its transient low end percussion which gets FELT as much as heard. By the way… can you say DRAGON’S BREATH? Sure, I knew that you could.

And then…there’s the choreography. Dear GOD…the choreography.

And this, folks, is where Keanu Reeves gives Tom Cruise a run for his money. Cruise spent years learning to fly fighter jets, hang precariously from airplanes mid-flight, and drive motorcycles at full speed off the sides of gorges in Norway while Christopher McQuarrie has heart failure waiting for Tom’s chute to open.

Reeves, however, retorts with a “Hold My Gun and watch this”. Reeves has spent nearly a decade training in tactical combat with guns, knives, bare fists, and yes… pencils. (Ok maybe not pencils, but you get the joke)

As bonkers and seemingly impossible as some of the stunts and fights are, it’s all delivered in a perfectly believable way. That’s thanks largely to a lack of CGI apart from some blood spatter…Okay, a LOT of blood spatter. Practical effects and real fights done on set and IN CAMERA is what gives this film its depth and realism, just like Top Gun Maverick and the Mission Impossible franchise. Take notes, Marvel Studios. THIS is how it’s done PROPERLY and with a budget less than half of your bland nonsense.

Like Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves is pushing 60 years old now but you’d NEVER know it watching him on camera. These old boys of Hollywood can quite clearly run circles around their younger and far less capable counterparts, and that’s because they seem infinitely more dedicated to their craft, delivering something truly unique for the audiences they love…and who love them right back for it.

And as if that wasn’t enough, we were treated to the the skilled Japanese martial arts prowess of Hiroyuki Sanada (Mortal Kombat, Bullet Train) and the legendary Chinese Kung Fu of Donnie Yen (Ip Man). By the way did anybody else get a kick out of the fact that Donnie Yen was playing ANOTHER butt-kicking blind guy? (Looking at you Star Wars: Rogue One)

Now, I’m not going to spoil anything in this movie, but I would advise you to pay close attention to the final scene. There’s a seemingly random shot of Wick’s dog…but I assure you it’s not random. A movie that carefully crafted doesn’t show that without trying to drop you a hint. That being said, I’ll see you for John Wick 5 ;-)

#johnwick #johnwick4 #boxoffice

thumbnail by @JFG

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