Short Clip of the Mother Honeybee Colony...

1 year ago

..from whence many of our colonies still come! If you look just above the stained area- you can see where others have taken some sort of saw to the house to remove the honey. We now lease the acreage this abandoned house is located on and have security cameras, a fence w/ a locked gate & 'No Trespassing' signs to protect the honeybees in the old house & their once sought after honey! It joins our property so we have it secure now!

We've never invaded this colony to remove honey from this house. We only get honey from our farm beehives once we know for certain they will have enough left to sustain them through the winter months. What I love so much about this particular colony of honeybees is that no one has ever 'treated' it w/ chemicals or fed the honeybees processed cane sugar to maximize their honey production. This colony has survived in this old abandoned house for years w/ no interference from humans except to steal their honey. Which tells us, honeybees don't need us to help them survive. They've been doing it beautifully since the Garden of Eden without our interference. It's only in recent centuries w/ all of the chemicals they've been exposed to that we've begun witnessing their decline.

We must pray that humans will once again respect treatment-free practices regarding this very special creature~! ❤️ God's 🍯🐝's

If you would like to contribute to our endeavors to educate others & increase the honeybee population, you may do so here:

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