IgG4 part 3 - Proposed cause! (update 92)

1 year ago

New update on IgG4! Discussion of what might be causing the appearance of IgG4 in mRNA vaccinated individuals based on updated review by the same authors of last IgG4 video. They continued their research of past vaccine outcomes to identify other rare instances of IgG4 appearance (this is why this is so unexpected) and propose potential mechanism responsible.

Location: Crescent Falls, Alberta

Described content:
IgG4 review: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/11/5/991

"COVID-19 - Q and A for the People#22" event on ZOOM:

Supplements survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGz3rcVBeyezZIk4Z-gVdsz1_JZi6xXa5I6YiDUWvV-qWWzw/viewform

Dr. Raszek Credentials: https://merogenomics.ca/en/about/

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