Embracing Calm in Midlife's Storm with Annie Meehan

10 months ago

When you take time off, whether it’s an hour, day or week, are you able to disconnect and actually enjoy yourself or are you constantly feeling guilty and “shoulding” all over yourself?

I took a bit of an unexpected break because life got busy and at times a bit chaotic. Summer has its own vibe with family visits and sunny days where you just want to feel the warmth of the sun.

I knew that I needed to lean into my inner wisdom and take a pause or I’d end up burning myself out, and for the first time, I enjoyed the pause totally guilt-free!

And that’s what we’re chatting about on today’s show. My guest, Annie Meehan and I, dive into finding that calm in the midst of the storm and giving ourselves space to navigate whatever life is throwing at us. This leads us into sharing the truth about loving yourself exactly as you are and Annie shares why you should be a “pineapple person”.

Connect with Annie at www.AnnieMeehan.com and on Instagram @meehan.annie

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