Best Small Anchors for Kayaks & Inflatables? MUSHROOM vs GRAPNEL vs BRUCE/CLAW

9 months ago

The best type of anchor for your kayak or small inflatable depends almost entirely on the holding ground your anchor will be expected to be used on and the wind and water forces that will be experienced.
Let me give you some examples, a lot of people use small mushroom anchors. If they rarely have any strong wind or current such as you would find on a small lake or pond a mushroom anchor might not be a bad idea.
A different type of anchor might snag on branches on the bottom of the pond where the mushroom anchor would rarely hang up. So in this case a mushroom anchor might be the perfect anchor for you.
On the other hand, if you have a lot of wind and current and that mushroom anchor was not able to dig down deep into mud and sand which would provide a lot of suction and power to keep the boat in place then a mushroom anchor would be a terrible choice. It almost always is. I think the primary use for a mushroom anchor is to moor a boat in mud and sand where the anchor has been able to sink deep in the mud, otherwise, it is not a great anchor.
I have become a big fan of the small Bruce anchors or claw type anchors. I also know people who have small Danforth folding anchors and they swear by them because of the holding ground that they commonly find when anchoring in their area.
Do some investigation and find out what is commonly used in your area and spend a few dollars extra and get a better anchor as it does not pay to buy the cheapest when it comes to anchors. Although there are some good cheap anchors.
In shallow water. I prefer to use a pole stuck in the mud and sand. Although not common, in certain areas, you can also bring small clamps to attach to metal and pipes or wood at bridges and abandoned docks or tree branches, etc. This will only work if there is no unsteady jerking from waves etc.
If you are in rocky areas the small grapnels will be in their element and work well.

Seachoice Folding Grapnel Anchor – For Small Craft and Dinghies – Multiple Sizes

MarineNow Galvanized Bruce Style Anchor MarineNow Galvanized Bruce Style Anchor

Seachoice Deluxe Anchor –

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Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade Life

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