How to ship an outboard motor using cardboard boxes. And a lot of glue.

9 months ago

I needed to ship a small outboard motor but couldn't find any information online about how to make a shipping container that would support it while being shipped. The motor I was shipping was a 3 hp Yamaha that weighed 39 1/2 pounds.
It would've been faster and sturdier to construct a wooden container but I was concerned about making the container too heavy as I had been given inaccurate information regarding the final weight of the box and thought I could not go over 50 pounds. There is a surcharge if I go over 50 pounds but I can go up to 70 pounds.
The cardboard box took a long time due to the need to have the glue to dry before assembling other parts.
I purchased two U-Haul sport utility boxes that are 48 inches tall and 15" x 15". I cut the boxes down the middle on one end and then used tight bond to wood glue to glue the bottoms together after I fit them to the right size. Then began the long process of gluing one part of the time. I glued one side and held the cardboard down with bricks and heavyweights and then it dried for about eight hours. I would do another side.
The motor was protected by cutting out the end of a small storage bin and sliding the shaft of the motor through allowing the heavy part of the motor which is the head of it down inside the storage bin.
The motor stuck out above the top of the storage bin so I cut out a hole for it and then encased it in foam one layer at a time. I covered the top with cardboard. Then I wrapped the motor and foam with plastic wrap.
I put a small plastic bucket over the propeller and tied it down securely. Having the motor encased in a small storage bin simplified the process of making the shipping container.
When the box was finished, I inserted the motor and used some foam to level it on the bottom. Then I folded the top down included and put some weights on it and let it dry. In the end, the box was very sturdy.
I put some labels on the box indicating which part was up to help in the shipment and then went to a pack and ship store where they helped me fill out a label and find the least expensive shipping method.
I went with UPS. I think UPS has a 70-pound limit for boxes. If the box is over 50 pounds. There is a surcharge.
This was a simple process but it took a long time due to the fact that the glue had to dry before it went to the next part. The part that took the longest was deciding on how to make it.
Initially, I was going to buy some inflatable beach balls and air mattresses. I saw it for sale at Walmart for just a dollar apiece. However, I think my final method was satisfactory.
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Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade life

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