Tomcat Rat Trap Review: Does It Live Up to the Hype? Watch to Find Out!

8 months ago

Is the modern tomcat rat trap better than the old-fashioned wooden rat trap? I recently had a chance to use the tomcat rat trap and found it to be surprisingly effective and well-designed. The tomcat rat trap is a very small, lightweight, well-built trap that does a good job of catching rodents. I like the fact that it can be cleaned easily because it's plastic and that the trap can be adjusted to have a hair trigger easier than the old wooden rat traps.

Here are some additional rat-catching tips that I did not go over in the video.

Proper Placement: Place the trap where you've seen rat activity, typically along walls or in corners. Rats tend to follow the same paths.

Secure Bait Placement: Ensure that the bait is securely attached to the trap's bait holder. Peanut butter, bacon, or dried fruits often work well as bait.

Use Enough Bait: Apply enough bait to attract the rat, but avoid overloading the trap, which could allow the rat to steal the bait without triggering the trap.

Camouflage the Trap: Rats are wary creatures. Camouflage the trap with dust, dirt, or cardboard to make it appear less suspicious to them.

Set Multiple Traps: Increase your chances of success by setting multiple traps in areas with high rat activity. This can lead to a quicker reduction in the rat population.

Keep the Trap Clean: Rats have a strong sense of smell. Regularly clean the trap to remove any old bait or odors that might deter them.

Check Traps Regularly: Inspect your traps daily to see if you've caught any rats. Promptly remove and dispose of any caught rodents to prevent odor and disease.

Reposition Traps: If you're not having success in one location, don't hesitate to move the traps to different areas where rat activity is suspected.

Use Protective Gear: When handling traps or disposing of captured rats, wear gloves to protect yourself from potential disease transmission.

Be Patient: Rat trapping can require some patience. It may take time before rats become comfortable enough to approach the traps. Keep at it, and you'll likely see results.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific Tomcat rat trap model, as trap designs may vary. Additionally, consider humane options for dealing with captured rats, such as releasing them far from your property or contacting a pest control professional if you prefer not to harm them.

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Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

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