GEFNFL 9/29/2023 Week 3 Game Review

8 months ago

Hey everyone, welcome to week 3 of the GEFNFL!!

GEFNFL Week 3, 9-29-2023 Game Review

After pretty much raining all week, the sun finally comes out just in time for game day! We had enough players to start off with 10 vs 10 going down to 9 Vs 9 after one of Blue Teams players injured his quad. Thanks again Carter for helping with the camera crew!!

Blue Team started off with the ball but, was quickly turned over on the first play with a interception by Jon Plesetz for Red Teams first of many picks of the day. Even with Red Team at Blue Teams goal line. Blue Teams defense held strong in the redzone preventing Red Team from scoring off of that interception.

Blue Team then manages to drive down to about midfield picking up a first down but, then gets stopped on a fourth down deep pass play that gets deflected by Omar Orozco. This gives Red Team perfect field position to strike and score their first touchdown of the day with a deep pass from Tyler Jones to Parker Marshal.

Blue Team gets pinned down at the about the 2-yard line. They try to get out of the hole but, get pick off for a pick 6 by Omar Orozco for Red Teams second touchdown of the day. Blue Team makes a valiant effort to drive back down the field only to get picked off ones again in the endzone by Jose Chavez. Setting Red Team up for their next big drive down the field, and another touchdown pass from Jose Chavez to Tyler Jones for Red Teams third touchdown. Making it a 3 to 0 game at this point.

On Blue Teams next drive, they get stopped before they could pass midfield, setting Red Team up in good field position again for another attempt at a touchdown. Only this time Blue Team was ready for it and picks it off with an interception by Dave Torres in the endzone. Red Team however wasn't having it, Omar Orozco Picks it off on Blue Teams first downplay for another pick six of the day.

Blue Team may be down by 4 touchdowns at this point but, they are not out of the game yet. On their next drive they manage to drive all the way down and finally score their first touchdown of the day with a nice pass from Anton Covington to Nick Tehan.

Red Team then drives back down the field on their next drive and answers with another awesome touchdown pass from Parker Marshal to Jon Plesetz. Putting the score at 5 to 1. Blue Team makes an attempt at driving back down the field only to get stopped once again by Red Teams defense in the redzone.

Red Team then drives back down the field only to be stopped by Blue Teams defense on another fourth downplay in the redzone. Blue Team then manages to make it back down the field, only to get picked off once again by Jon Plesetz at the goal line. Then on Red Teams very next play Anton Covington picks it off for another Blue Team interception. Setting up Blue Team in good field position to drive down for their second touchdown of the day, with a nice short pass from Dave Torres to Nick Tehan.

On Red Teams next drive, they are pinned down at about the 10-yard line and Blue Teams defense manages to hold them there. Putting them in good field position to try to score again but, Red Teams defense wasn't having any of it and then gets picked off once again by Omar Orozco. Blue Teams defense holds strong and manages to stop Red Team on fourth down where the interception took place.

Blue Team tries again to get another touchdown drive going but, gets picked off again by Jeremy Bartlett. Red Team then tries to get another drive of their own going only to get picked off by Todd Polczynski. Setting up Blue Team in good position for their third touchdown drive of the game with a nice driving pass from Nick Tehan to Dave Torres. Making the score 5 to 3 at this point, Blue Team might be down, but they aren't out of the game yet.

Red Team tries to speed up the speed things up and go no huddle on this drive. They manage to drive down the field getting close to scoring only to get stopped by Blue Teams defense once again. Blue Team then drives back down the field but, gets stopped on another fourth downplay.

Red Team then makes another valiant effort to drive back down the field getting close to scoring but, this time Nick Tehan jumps the ball at the goal line picking it off for a 55-yard pick six run for a touchdown. Possibly the play of the day, because this was the play that put the score at 5 to 4. Blue Team still has a chance to tie up this game.

Red Team then makes another impressive attempt to drive back down the field only to get pick off by Nick Tehan once again at the goal line. Setting up Blue Team for their last and final drive of the game, taking them all the way down for a touchdown pass from Anton Covington to Todd Polczynski to end and tie up the game.

Final Score

Red - 5 TDs, 7 Ints, 3 Sacks,

Blue - 5 TDs, 5 Ints, 3 Sacks

Was another fun and awesome game of the GEFNFL!!

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