Passenger slaps pilot after 13-hour plane delay

4 months ago

Don’t slap the messenger. As fog ravaged Delhi, rage fogged a passenger who decided the best way out of the mess was to slap the pilot silly until somehow a takeoff happened. Anup Kumar, pilot for IndiGo and 13-hour delay announcement enjoyer had broken the news to passengers that the sky above Delhi was full of fog and therefore had no room for things like planes and passengers. Passenger Sahil Kataria, bathed in an ironically serene yellow hoodie, decided he did not like this latest entry in the Indira Gandhi International Airport delay cinematic universe, and decided to express his disapproval through the medium of slapping.

With the pilot standing in aisle and within easy slapping distance, Kataria jumped to his feet and administered the beating, yelling ‘if you want to fly then fly the plane, otherwise open the door.’ The plane was on the ground at this point, don’t worry, he wasn’t quite that mental. Thanks to the aid of some brave attendants and a fellow passenger, further slapping was prevented, and Kataria got his wish: the doors were opened, for use by him, and his armed guards.

Airline IndiGo has since been criticized for not communicating better during the incident and locking people inside planes for hours, while Kataria has been criticized for slapping like a little girl.

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