The Bible Day 43: “Be Joyful for Salvation”(Psalm 21:1-7, Matthew 27:11-44, & Exodus 11:1-12:51)

3 months ago

In this evening's readings, beginning in Psalm 21:1-7(NIV), the psalmist expresses joy for salvation, acknowledging divine favor. Matthew 27:11-44(NIV) reveals the sacrifice of Jesus, bringing salvation to humanity, while Exodus 11:1-12:51(NIV) narrates the Passover, a symbol of liberation and the joyous promise of salvation. Together, these passages weave a narrative of gratitude, sacrifice, and deliverance, inspiring profound joy in the salvation bestowed upon believers.

- Psalm 21:1-7(NIV) is a psalm of King David, celebrating God's deliverance and expressing joy for salvation.

Biblical Parallel: Psalm 21:1-7
A parallel can be drawn with Psalm 20, which precedes Psalm 21. While Psalm 20 focuses on seeking God's help before a battle, Psalm 21 reflects the joy and gratitude after victory, highlighting the journey from reliance on God to experiencing His salvation.

Joyful Salvation Theme with Scripture Examples: Psalm 21:1-7
The theme of being joyful for salvation resonates throughout the Bible. One can find parallels in passages like Psalm 51:12, which speaks about restoring joy after repentance. Additionally, Luke 15:7 highlights the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, emphasizing the joyous nature of salvation.

In essence, Psalm 21:1-7 teaches spiritual lessons about acknowledging God's strength, connecting prayer and salvation, experiencing blessings, and maintaining trust in God. This joyful salvation theme echoes across various biblical passages, reinforcing the profound joy found in being saved by God.

The meaning of "Selah" (depending on the version of your Bible or Study Bible, Fun Fact) in the Bible is not definitively known. It appears frequently in the Psalms, often at the end of a verse, and its exact meaning is a subject of scholarly debate. Some theories suggest it could indicate a pause for reflection, a musical interlude, or a moment to praise and exalt God. The precise interpretation remains uncertain, adding a layer of examination to the verses where they appear.

In summary, Matthew 27:11-44 depicts the sacrifice of Jesus, emphasizing the unjust trial, rejection, suffering, and crucifixion. The biblical parallel with Isaiah 53 enriches the understanding of Jesus as the suffering servant. The importance of being joyful for salvation is highlighted through subsequent events like the resurrection, and scripture examples emphasize the enduring joy in reconciliation with God through Christ's sacrifice.

Biblical Parallel: Matthew 27:11-44
A parallel can be drawn with Isaiah 53, often called the "Suffering Servant" passage. Isaiah 53 prophesies about a servant who would suffer for the sins of others, aligning with the events of Jesus' crucifixion as depicted in Matthew 27.

Importance of Joyful Salvation with Scripture Examples: Matthew 27:11-44
While the crucifixion narrative in Matthew 27 is marked by suffering, the joy of salvation emerges in the subsequent events. Matthew 28:1-10 records the resurrection of Jesus, bringing immense joy and victory over death. Romans 5:10 emphasizes the pleasure of reconciliation with God through Jesus' sacrifice.

Additionally, Hebrews 12:2 encourages believers to fix their eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him. This underscores the concept that the joy of salvation is a motivator and a source of endurance for believers.

Biblical Parallel: Exodus 11:1-12:51:
A parallel can be drawn with 1 Corinthians 5:7, where Paul refers to Christ as the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us. This draws a connection between the Old Testament Passover and the New Testament fulfillment in Christ's sacrifice for the salvation of believers.

In summary, Exodus 11:1-12:51 reveals spiritual teachings about the symbolism of the lamb, the significance of blood as atonement, and the themes of liberation and redemption. The importance of being joyful for salvation is exemplified through scriptural expressions of joy in deliverance, worship, and repentance. A biblical parallel with 1 Corinthians 5:7 further solidifies the connection between the Passover lamb and Christ as the ultimate sacrifice for humanity's salvation.

In Christ, love Jared

Link to complete Study Guide and write-up:

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