Undocumented Migrant Supports Abolition of "Right to Apply" for Asylum at the Border

28 days ago


Varför jag kommer INTE att ansöka om asyl i Sverige den 22 augusti 2023.
(Letter I wrote to the Swedish Migration Board / Migrationsverket explaining why I will not apply for asylum in Sweden EVER again)


Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers

Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs Infecting Educational Institutions

***Disclaimer/Clarification: President Trump says that "Marxists" are in control of U.S. universities. This is not accurate at all. In fact, what President Trump is concerned with is the domination of RADICAL POST-MODERN SOCIAL LIBERALS (not Marxists) in U.S. academia. The American ivory tower intellectual elites are HOSTILE to Marxism from a perspective of postcolonial, intersectional and critical race theory; all of which are forms of LIBERAL IDEOLOGY !


Stadistics cited in video from academic research paper by Lund (Sweden) University graduate student on the history of Swedish migration control (1914-2023).

***Shared on my Facebook >>>


On Dissidents and Madness: From the Soviet Union of Leonid Brezhnev to the "Soviet Union" of Vladimir Putin by Robert van Voren & Leonidas Donskis (Foreword)

***O.V.I.R. was the passport and visa subdivision of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of The Soviet Union. It regulated immigration, emigration and internal migration. The department was jointly administered by the K.G.B. and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (M.G.V). In the 1970's O.V.I.R. actively prevented the emigration of Jewish refuseniks to Israel as well as the defection of Liberal dissidents to the West and of Marxist dissidents to Socialist Federal Yugoslavia. A special committee (involving K.G.B. representatives) would discuss the cases of those who applied for exit visas while "possessing state secrets". Soviet migration policy focused mainly on internal migration (Internal Passport System), for the purpose of "redistributing the labor force".

African Students in East Germany (D.D.R.), 1949-1975


Why Marxists must fight for open borders (An alternative Marxist perspective on the border issue different from the one I express on this video - from the International Marxist Tendency): https://youtu.be/lphscvPy3FM

Eric London addresses pro-immigrant rally in Detroit on July 12, 2019 (another alternative Marxist perspective on the immigration issue different from the one I express in this video): https://youtu.be/0pMXHPkbCtA


Manifesto of The Communist party (1848) by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels.

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