glad i didn't get baptized in a pool @ motel 6...i meant apostolic not anglican btw

1 month ago

the weather machine is at it again
just look at that shit over there, this really does piss me off
keep God at the forefront of your mind
i don't wanna start drinkin again all cos the world is terrible
it's okay to be angry bout stuff that warrants rage
i pity those that dunno why this is all happening but perhaps their perspective is preferable to mine
it doesn't even cross their mind that people could be lying to them
no. not in awe just somewhat jealous
the whole point is to turn the people on the earth into the devil's army
we gotta pray always n forever
they can't stop me from praying for em
you never know if they will be receptive, it just might take awhile
personal ag prayer DON'T STEAL IT
it's pretty simple n God knows exactly what it means
God speaks to us in our dreams via conscience
i'm sure that tik tok filled his head w/ this "crazy" idea
i used to be scared of the world ending but it ain't worth salvaging
i would rather be God-centered than worried about what's gonna happen
anytime i say honey i sound like a homosexual
burying head in the sand is YOUR job
they only read the Bible to misinterpret Scripture
those that run the world read the Bible TOO
wait for it...
i don't really hate that bitch, obviously upset
ag is play mad, just joshing
it's annoying when that happens tho
don't worry i won't attack that bitch in the grocery store
general public will naturally call us crazy
before i joined the Orthodoxy i was obsessed w/ the "future" now i just don't give a fuck cos God is our shield
the community aspect is what i find so important
we gotta be in the tribulation already, man
people were already nuts before technology took over
the AI won't kill you, YOU will kill you
i avoid alcohol cos i used to really struggle w/ that
personal responsibility or die
addiction is simple possession
frantically running around trying to locate a phone charger *most "people" these days
vape pens are so bad
porn is one of the worst addictions due to the lust/image aspect of it
if you can only come thru visual stimulation you might as well just chop yer balls off
society has always been demonic, it's just super obvious now
i do quotations a lot do indicate that words don't mean much of anything
they're focused on the branches, never the root
did yawl hear that honk
i feel like such a dude
people don't wanna face themselves so they're easily susceptible to materialistic bear traps
he can do that over there, i ain't gon fuck w/ it
sex n violence are so closely associated due to satan's influence
rolling up my sleeves to bitch about feminists *oh! the irony?
feminism really took a turn for the worst did it not
2nd wave all day, anti-materialism is the right attitude so i agree w/ these feminists somewhat
camille paglia was right about a lot
i'm listening to kanye's best album
i am making bacon-wrapped cream-cheese stuffed jalapenos for my church tonight
*that service was amazing n super long
i had no idea what i was missing out on
glad that i got into the Orthodoxy thru the back door *better testimony
this is what i'm talking about right here
there's no comparison when you go to an Orthodox anything
we might know some stuff but so what
i kinda agree w/ Catholics on this cos the laymen don't have discernment
the book of revelations has too many metaphors that could easily be applied to anything occurring in any era of "history" so it's super easy to control the "christian" population in this way
my Bishop has confirmed my Biblical assessments *this is a win
just don't idolize or idealize people *you will regret it if you do
kanye is a very gifted artist whose "crazy" has advanced his career but also hindered him for the same reason (it's always a double to quadruple-edged sword w/ "mental illness")
somebody at Church this morning asked me who bit me
i wish i did that when i got mad
they're not all ______
convincing you to obsess about identity is part of the problem
i know myself pretty damn well
you can read books n watch lectures n shit but it's still saturated w/ garbage from people that have an agenda *ALWAYS FOLLOW THE $
we dunno what's gonna happen cos we're not God
i really hope i'm wrong about the stuff i think haha
love this hat, i stole it from a gas station when i was trashed back in 2010
this control freakery never seems to work in their favor
i need to do a white board w/ this information, really i need to simplify it for myself cos visuals works *there's a reason why americans are so addicted to them ya know
it just annoys me cos yawl know how i feel about control freaks
vulnerable narcissists are the most annoying, they do have SOME self-awareness just no boundaries whatsoever
i used to be this way but i grew out of it thru therapy
it's up to me to understand my life
i can't do all that fambly stuff, i can't even keep up w/ my cat, YOU KNOW WE HAVE A CAT
way too many registered sex offenders in my hometown
fuck that, we'd be on the run haha
Romans 14:23 might shut them up...MIGHT
if i don't have faith in it, i probably won't be very good at it OBVIOUS SHIT

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