Unlock the Superfruit! Egyptian Mangosteen Blast

18 days ago

Egyptian Mangosteen Blast
Ready to unlock the power of the mangosteen? This refreshing smoothie is packed with antioxidants and boasts a unique flavor profile inspired by Egypt.
• 1 ripe mangosteen fruit
• 1 cup fresh coconut water
• 1/2 cup frozen banana (optional, for extra creaminess)
• 1 tablespoon chia seeds
• Honey or maple syrup (optional, to taste)
1. Conquer the Mangosteen: The mangosteen's thick rind requires a little finesse. Locate the natural seam around the fruit and twist the halves apart. Scoop out the white, fleshy segments inside and set them aside.
2. Blend the Base: Add the mangosteen segments, coconut water, and chia seeds to your blender.
3. Cream it Up (Optional): If you prefer a thicker smoothie, add the frozen banana to the blender at this point.
4. Sweeten to Taste: The mangosteen has a natural sweetness, but feel free to add a touch of honey or maple syrup if desired. Blend again to incorporate all ingredients.
5. Blast Off! Pour your vibrant smoothie into a glass and enjoy the taste of Egypt!
• Don't discard the mangosteen rind! You can use it to infuse teas or flavor cocktails for a subtle touch of mangosteen magic.
• If fresh mangosteen is unavailable, frozen mangosteen puree can be substituted. Use 1 cup of frozen puree for every fresh fruit.
• Want to make it extra refreshing? Add a few ice cubes to the blender for a chilled smoothie.
• This recipe is easily doubled or tripled to share with friends and family.
Get Creative!
• For a touch of tartness, add a squeeze of fresh lime juice.
• Experiment with other superfood seeds like hemp seeds or flaxseeds.
• Drizzle your smoothie with a touch of rosewater for a fragrant twist (optional).

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