1967 Speech by Myron C Fagan ALL About Illuminati, Zionism, Masonry, Skull & Bones, The CFR

3 years ago

Eisenhower and JFK warned us about this unspeakably evil plot. George Bush Snr openly talked about the New World Order, the One World Government.
The Globalists, together with the United Nations have produced a plan, Agenda 21, (down load the official UN booklet pdf version), to take complete control of humanity.
The Corona Virus, the greatest lie ever perpetrated against humanity, is the means by which the Globalists have destroyed the world economy, destroyed your ability to feed your families, and now control YOU completely. Our politicians are forcing us to OBEY!!!
Now they want to vaccinate You and Your children.
This is the ultimate tyranny.
This is population control.
Are we going to obey and go, like lambs, to the slaughter?
Or, are we going to fight, as our Fathers and Grandfathers fought, in two world wars, for our Freedom and Democracy.
This is a fight for the very futures of our children and grandchildren.
This is a fight for Western Christian Civilization.
The only thing necessary for Evil to triumph is that Good Men stand by and do Nothing!
I will fight to my dying breath.
What will YOU do?

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