Call of Duty WW2 | Campaign Pt.3: "Stronghold"! The Nahzees STOLE CHURCH! We Must RESCUE CHURCH!

3 years ago

Dear Journal,

Have you ever heard that "God loves everyone"?
Well, whoever told you that is a big stupid liar. Because God hates EVIL NAHZEES. (And so do I.) Especially when they INVADE *CHURCH*. And that is EXACTLY what these freaking NAHZEES just did. They STOLE Church. Do you know what Church is? Church is GOD'S HOUSE. And they STOLE it.

They STOLE GOD'S HOUSE. Where is GOD going to live?! Do you want GOD to be HOMELESS? NO, you do NOT. But apparently the NAHZEES do.

This will NOT STAND.
This AGGRESSION will NOT stand, man.

We must RESCUE CHURCH from the filthy NAHZEES.

Mark my words- ALL filthy NAHZEES will be forcibly evicted from God's House, IMMEDIATELY.

And by "evicted", I mean "KILLED". Just in case that wasn't obvious. Which it was. But still.


PS- That freaking hipster still hasn't died yet. Maybe after we rescue Church, God will smite him to death as a favor. We can only pray.

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