The Warriors - "The Coney Killer"

2 years ago

Someone or someTHING has been roaming the streets of Coney Island...

2009 Gor Man Productions


This video was made using "The Warriors" PS2 video game and is an original idea from Gor Man Productions.

CREATORS NOTE: this is just a stupid video to let the subscribers know that I'm still around. I actually got the idea to do this while "filming" footage for the next Warriors Profiles vid...

10/11/09: Also a lot of people are asking about how I got the mask. It's not a cheat/glitch and anyone can do it. When roaming the streets of Coney Island (after leaving the hangout) you can do side missions around Coney. One of the side missions is to help some guy get his mascot costume back after some chumps beat him up and stole it from him. You have to track them down and waste em. When you find them, obviously one of the muggers will have the costume on. During the fight, his mask will fall off when you hit him in the head. You can either pick it up and put it on straight away or wait till you've beaten them all up to put it on, as long as you've got it on before the mission ends and the screen fades to black. When the scene refreshes, your warrior should still have the mask on. Feel free to make your own vid of Coney Killer shenanigans!!

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