Tampa Bay Spring Fishing Report - Weather Patterns and Fish Activity

2 years ago

Spring fishing report for Tampa Bay 2022 . The fishing was really good at the end of winter with what is called a "False Spring" . Fishing was off the charts with dozens of snook and redfish being caught on most charters. Then a big cold front came sweeping down to Florida with high winds around 30 mph and colder temperatures bringing the water down to 69 Degrees Fahrenheit. It took several days for the fishing to recover. There were a few days where the bite was so bad I only caught a couple snook all day.

NOW, the weather has greatly improved and the bite is back. Redfish and snook are hungry and in all the spots you would guess they'd be. Mullet are schooled up and the reds are nearby. Let's go Spring Fishing 2022.

Head First Fishing Tampa Bay Fishing Charter Website : www.hff.fish
Call 727 433 4508

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Cast Nets -- https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/humpback
Trident Hooks - https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/trident
Joyfish monofilament - https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/joy-fish
Ohero Fluorocarbon line - https://www.leefishersports.com/collections/line/products/ohero-flurocarbon-crystal-leader

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